Thursday, September 29, 2016

Danielle Pashko Reveals 8 Ways to Improve Your Diet

When it comes to your overall health, eating right is just as important as working out. Stay on top of your diet so you can feel your best and get the results you deserve.

Danielle Pashko reveals 8 small diet changes for improved health

If you’re working hard to stay physically fit, you need to prioritize getting your diet right. Think about it: You spend hours lifting weights, sweating it out during cardio sessions, and plenty of time pumping up with DynaPro resistance bands — so why would you eat in a way that could slow down your progress? You’re working way too hard to lose your steam over a bunch of bad food choices! Take a cue from Nutritionist, Danielle Pashko of In an exclusive interview with DynaPro, she shares her best tips:

DynaPro Direct: Why is nutrition so important when it comes to being fit and healthy?

Danielle Pashko: What you feed yourself is probably the single most important action you take for your health. For any ailment, there is almost always a diet that can improve symptoms or completely reverse them. Additionally, you can work out like you’re in the military, but if you don't maintain the right diet, your efforts will never get you in the shape you are hoping for.

DynaPro Direct: What are some general tips for individuals who work out to focus on when it comes to food?

DP: Make sure to have a balance of healthy carbohydrates, proteins, and good fats with plenty of vegetables. Eat your food rather than drink it. I'm not a big fan of juices (even the green ones) in excess. Many people think that they can eat unlimited "healthy" foods if they are exercising. You still have to be conscious of your caloric and carbohydrate intake even if it's coming from a good source.

It's also wise to focus on meal timing. I recommend eating a small snack pre-workout and then your main meal post-workout. A big mistake I see with clients is eating before the gym, then feeling so hungry post workout that they end up eating another whole meal. So even though they may have had this killer workout, it was negated by all the calories consumed. Just eat enough pre-workout for energy, but not until the point of fullness.

DynaPro Direct: Do you recommend meal prepping and getting into a schedule with food?

DP: Yes, planning your food will save you from making bad choices when your blood sugar gets low and you're feeling hungry and impatient. Have your fridge or freezer stocked with some lean protein options like organic chicken, tuna, turkey, and eggs. Then you can always easily pair it with some mixed greens or tomato and cucumber salad. This type of meal only takes five minutes — when you have more time, then it’s easier to get more creative with side dishes or salad stuffings!

DynaPro Direct: Do you have any power snack recommendations?

DP: I like low-fat Greek yogurt and almonds, hard boiled eggs, turkey slices with cherry tomatoes, string cheese and a piece of fruit, a protein bar or high quality protein powder when I'm on the go. My snack rule is that it has to be under 200 calories, over 9 grams of protein, and under 30 grams of carbohydrates. Anything more than that is not a snack — it's a meal.

Improve your diet with these healthy tips from Danielle Pashko

DynaPro Direct: Do you recommend just drinking water when working out, or drinking protein shakes and electrolyte drinks, too?

DP: I like a few electrolyte drinks as long as they are not too high in sugar — but post-workout, a high quality protein shake (just mixed with water) can be a good idea to refuel. Just make sure not to add on milk, fruit, peanut butter etc. since those shakes can really add up in calories, sugar and carbohydrates! This can be especially damaging for women with weight loss goals.

DynaPro Direct: Do you have any foods to recommend that support losing weight?

DP: Yes! Plenty of non-starchy, green leafy vegetables with lean protein and healthy fats from sources like oily fish, avocado and olive oil. A Mediterranean diet is a great way to eat out in a restaurant without worrying too much. I don't think that you necessarily need to follow a very low carbohydrate diet, but you should eat them earlier in the day so you have time to burn the calories off. Stay away from starch at dinnertime.

DynaPro Direct: Do you have any foods to recommend that support building muscle?

DP: Make sure to eat enough protein! Proteins are made up of building blocks called amino acids — it’s what helps us get those beautifully defined muscles, prevent brittle hair, skin, and nails, strengthen our bones, and regulate hormone function. Eggs, lean meats, low-fat dairy, poultry, beans, lentils, and soy are all proteins that support building muscle. High quality protein bars and shakes are also good for muscle building pre- and post-workout.

DynaPro Direct: What’s one thing you wish everyone knew about food?

DP: According to Maimonides, an ancient physician and scholar: “Overeating is is like poison to anyone’s body; it is the main source of all illness. You should eat to the point of satiation but not fullness." People often overeat "healthy foods" and it can be counterproductive. Plus, if you eat mindfully most of the time, then you don’t need to be focused on having a 100% perfect diet — food should bring you joy! I feel it's more dangerous to eat the most restrictive diet with an unhappy spirit rather than cheat a little with the right mental attitude.

Lead a healthy lifestyle with high quality fitness equipment from DynaPro Direct

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Instagram Star Uses Her Platform to Tell Everyone to ‘Screw the Scale!’

Kelsey Wells encourages her social media following not to give up if the scale doesn’t reflect your hard work in the gym. Take notes!

Kelsey Wells’ side-by-side photos prove that number on the scale doesn’t matter

 Kelsey Wells urges her Instagram followers — all (almost) half a million of them — to “SCREW THE SCALE!” That’s right. Screw it! At DynaPro Direct, we love the message she’s sending out. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if your scale is staying the same—or gasp—showing an increase in weight, don’t lose your motivation to accomplish personal goals.

Your body is always responding to the healthy choices you make, whether those changes are with an increase physical activity or practicing better nutrition. Trust us, if you’re taking care of your body, it is transforming for YOU in a positive way. Just hang in there and wait for your results!

The Instagram fitness star posted a side-by-side collage of her body at different weights. There’s one image of her looking really fit and healthy, and that image is showing her at 18 pounds heavier than another image of her where she looks similar, but with less definition.

Wells had even more advice for her fitness clan — in all CAPS. Because, #important.


Yes, yes, and yes. Preach girl! We’re so glad when she stepped on the scale and saw an increase in weight, she had the self-esteem and power to shout #SCREWTHESCALE—and you should, too!

Lead a healthy lifestyle with high quality fitness equipment from DynaPro Direct

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

DynaPro Is Pumped About Free Fitness Program for Cancer Survivors

DynaPro Direct is excited about LIVESTRONG - the free fitness program for cancer survivors by YMCA

 Phoenix, AZ: The Ahwatukee Foothills YMCA is offering cancer fighters and survivors free fitness classes. We’re all for it!

There’s a new fitness program at the Ahwatukee Foothills YMCA in Phoenix, AZ — we couldn’t be more pumped about it! The fitness program at the facility, called LIVESTRONG, offers free (yes, free!) fitness sessions for cancer survivors. The sessions run for 12 weeks, and the program is also open to individuals who are currently undergoing treatment for cancer.

Why do we love it? Physical fitness and nutrition are important factors for any individual, but cancer survivors especially reap tremendous benefits from staying on top of their health and overall well-being. In the past, cancer fighters and survivors were advised to rest up and reduce activity levels. Today, it’s a different story.

Keep in mind that the current research-based advice insists too much rest can lead to loss of body function, weakness and reduced range of motion. Several cancer care teams are motivating survivors and individuals currently battling cancer to keep moving!

The leaders at this YMCA agree with that notion. In an interview with the local news, Ahwatukee Fitness Coordinator Debbie Mitchell, explains why the facility is so excited about the program.

“We wanted to create a welcoming community in which survivors can improve their strength and physical fitness, diminish the severity of therapy side effects, develop supporting relationships and improve their quality of life.”

Even better? Each member of the program gets a free membership to the YMCA. This is a profound resource for cancer patients and survivors who are ready to reclaim their power — both mentally and physically.

“For those who have never been to a gym, they can prepare by just showing up. We’ll take care of the rest,” Mitchell continues.

Seems like this facility is onto something, and the Ahwatukee Foothills YMCA has DynaPro Direct’s support — 100%!

Friday, September 9, 2016


Interview with Darnell Cox to help you get into a healthy mindset
Darnell Cox attacks the aging process from every angle by shaping up her mentality. You can do it too!

Cali-gal, Darnell Cox, of knows all about embracing the essence of youth, and credits her ability to do so to her overall mindset and physical well-being. Not to mention, she’s in killer shape! In an exclusive interview, she shares with DynaPro Direct exactly how she gets her head in the game to keep her health at the tippy top of her priority list. Check out her tips and catch some motivation!

DynaPro Direct: Darnell, why is wellness so important to you?

Darnell Cox: We only have this one body, and although we don’t know when it’s coming, it has an expiration date. There are many who believe that treating our minds and bodies with mindful wellness, we may even be able to “extend” that expiration date. But whether that’s so, how we take care of our bodies each day absolutely impacts the quality of our life as we get older. It’s said that you can’t stay young forever, but you can live young for as long as you choose.

DD: Why is mentality such a huge part of overall well-being?

DC: The mind is more powerful than we think. We can talk ourselves into (or out of) anything. At least I’ve found that that I can.

DD: How does your mentality impact your exercise or nutrition routine?

Attack the aging process from every angle with these tricks from Darnell CoxOn a good day, when my head is in the right place, I can talk my laziest version of my physical self into hitting the gym hard, and talk my junk food-craving self out of devouring the bag of whatever cookies are in the cupboard. But there are those days, when those are flipped. When my head is not where it needs to be—and my body will follow suit.

DD: So much of your work has to do with feeling youthful. Why is it so important to focus on feeling youthful?

DC: Well, quite frankly, because the alternative sucks. So just as you need to “choose happiness” everyday, you also need to choose to feel youthful. And feeling youthful can mean different things for each of us—it can be a physical activity, a mindset, a conversation we have, or even a song we listen to… and sing along with!

DD: Do you have any tips, affirmations or mantras that help you get into a healthy mindset?

DC: Absolutely. Emile Zola said, “If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud.” I love that—to live out loud. It’s both a mission statement and a challenge.

DD: Absolutely! We’re all for living out loud. What other mantras do you turn to?

DC: There’s another phrase that’s often my mantra: “Chin up, tits out!” It was said to me by an old friend on a day when I was completely overwhelmed. It sounds simplistic, but it is that “mind-body” connection — this time with the body leading the way. Sometimes just a small physical act — like smiling when you don’t feel like it or changing your posture (thus, “Chin up, tits out!”), can affect your internal feelings.

Lead a healthy lifestyle with high quality fitness equipment from DynaPro Direct