Friday, December 23, 2016

10 Hacks to Make the Holidays Healthier

10 healthy holiday hacks to jump start your new year

On a holiday morning, your first thought probably isn’t to pull out your resistance bands and get ready for a workout. When you start thinking ahead to dinner, you may want to consider what workout you can fit in your day, and how it will make your festive meal even better. Yes, just because you’re not thinking about fitness on a day of celebration, you probably won’t be able to stop remembering your indulgence the next day. This year, let yourself off the hook. Indulge with these tips in mind to enjoy your holiday to the fullest:
  1. Forget the fast.

    We know the usual plan, skip big meals throughout the day so that you’re really hungry for dinner. Stop right there! Not only does skipping meals make you less hungry, it’s a bad habit for both your mind and body to learn this habit. Small meals throughout the day will keep you on a regular schedule, and prepare you for a full dinner.
  2. Drink water throughout the day.

    Dehydration often shows itself with a lack of hunger. You know the feeling, when you haven’t eaten much all day and can’t understand why you’re not hungry. Prepare for a holiday meal by staying hydrated throughout the day, and you’ll avoid snacking before your favorite meal.
  3. Work Out

    Pro grade exercise balls for you to stay healthy this holiday seasonDon’t assume because it’s a holiday there isn’t enough time for a workout. Grab a few resistance bands and an exercise ball and create a 20-minute circuit you can do right at home. Perform squats, bicep curls, rows, and shoulder lifts with resistance bands, and make time for an ab workout with your exercise ball.
    A morning workout will get you ready and energized for those long family holidays, and remind you to stay motivated about your goals. You’ll even be more likely to make healthier choices throughout the day.
  4. Plate setup.

    Yes, we have a strategy to our plate servings. Start out with the protein and veggies you’re going to eat. After you’ve filled up on nutrient-dense foods, serve yourself carbohydrates like stuffing, mashed potatoes, or even a biscuit. You’ll be able to enjoy your favorite foods, without becoming stuffed on carbs alone.
  5. Bring an appetizer.

    Bring a cheese and crackers alternative by offering to bring an appetizer you won’t feel as guilty about. Try homemade hummus or a veggie platter with yogurt dressing. With more options to choose from, you’ll save yourself and other guests calories throughout the holiday feast!
  6. Lend a helping hand.

    Want to avoid the appetizers altogether? Offer to help the hostess. Keeping busy will prevent you from casual snacking so you can save room for the main course. It will also keep you on your feet and moving throughout the day! You’ll see your Fitbit steps increasing rather than reminding you to move! You might not realize just how much work you’ll be doing moving around the pot filled with five pounds of potatoes.
  7. Become your own bartender.

    Play bartender for yourself to cut out unnecessary calories, if you’re not skipping out on alcohol altogether. Choose seltzer and create flavors with fresh fruits and spices. Not sure what will be available? Bring your own signature cocktail to share so you can avoid added sugars and sodas, while giving everyone something to enjoy. If you give the host control over your liquid intake, you might end up consuming way more calories than you would have liked to.
  8. Hold the toppings.

    Resistance band workouts to keep your fitness goals in check during holidaysChances are you won’t skip dessert, and we don’t blame you. What you can do, though, is skip out on the extra whipped cream topping to your pie. Enjoy your favorite pie, and skip the additions as a small way to cut out heavy calories to your day. This applies to creamy dressings, sauces, and gravy too!
  9. Plan ahead.

    Guilt is a common feeling after the holidays as we indulge more than usual. Plan and schedule your next day’s workout ahead of time, whether it is hitting the gym or an at home resistance band workout.
    Knowing you already have a plan of action will help you stay committed to it and avoid those unhealthy guilty feelings associated with food.
  10. Enjoy!

    Yes, indulge and enjoy it! Holidays come once a year — if you have a slice of pie, take your time and slowly enjoy it rather than trying to see how much you can eat. (Think quality over quantity.) Eating slower will not only help you eat less, but will allow you to enjoy what you’re eating. By enjoying your favorite holiday treats in moderation you can create healthy eating habits.
Professional grade fitness equipment to stay fit during the holidays

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Perfect Way to Wind Down With Exercise

You can use exercise as a tool to relax and relieve any built up tension — physical or emotional. Here’s how.

10 healthiest ways to wind down mindfully and relax with exercise

Exercise works magic on the human body, often in ways we don’t realize. Think back to the time in your life when you first started exercising. You probably thought of exercise as something that would make you healthier, stronger, or improve your appearance. All of those things are simple in nature, but true. It normally isn’t until later on that it becomes apparent that exercise impacts the human body far beyond those initial associations.
Consider this: Some of the strongest, fastest, and talented athletes will admit to finding exercise and gym time therapeutic. Many exercise enthusiasts will even go as far as saying some of the most intense mental work they’ve ever done has been within the walls of a gym. Not only can exercise pump you up and energize you, but it can also calm you down — a lot. If you’re ready to shed some tension and clear your mind next time you work out, here’s a solid plan to follow:
  1. Mental Check:

    If you know that you’re ready to focus your next workout session on winding down and clearing your heart and mind, there’s probably something already bothering you. Whether it’s general stress, specific sadness, frustration, or just a build up of little stressors from your daily routine, it’s an important step to claim and identify the source(s) of tension in your life before beginning your workout.
  2. Therapy Element:

    Incorporate something into your workout routine that screams, “self care!” Bring a therapy element into your workout, whether that means something as simple as wearing your favorite gym clothes, lighting a candle or incense, dimming the lights, or putting your headphones on and listening to some cathartic music you haven’t heard in a long time. You’ll benefit tremendously by setting the mood for healing and carving out the little extra time to manifest an environment that speaks to you and calms your nerves. Plus, once you get deep into your exercise routine, your therapy element will remind you that this session is a transformative one — beyond the physical — and you’ll be less likely to let your mentality slip.
  3. Breathe:

    Practice some rhythmic breathing prior to your workout. Rhythmic breathing has an underestimated, incredible effect on the human body. A simple practice is laying on the floor and breathing in as your belly rises. Then, as you exhale, feel your belly lowering. Repeat this until any feelings of nagging tension are gone — no matter how tedious the breathing may feel at first.
  4. Stretch:

    Give a little more time to stretching during this workout. Instead of simply warming up the body to prevent injury during a workout, make an art out of your stretching routine and move beyond your arms and legs. Start with the tips of your toes and stretch the different muscle groups of your body until you reach the crown of your head. Don’t forget about your feet, spine, neck, and wrists during this session.
  5. Mental Check:

    Before intensifying your workout routine, focus on the balanced feeling you’ve just created for your body and think back to the problems you identified in your first mental check. Do the issues feel any lighter? If the issues are more trivial, they will likely will feel less significant, and it’s important to focus on those issues becoming even smaller as you enter the next phase of the workout.
    If you’re dealing with greater emotional stress, you might feel more at peace with the situation after breathing and stretching. Before moving into your cardio session, identify the pain points — the sources of sadness or stress — and then get ready to work through those feelings and recenter yourself during your routine.
  6. Cardio:

    Get your blood flowing. The breathing and stretching helped warm up your body, but cardio will take it to the next level. Let your mind be still, or let it wander — but never let go of the intention(s) you set during your mental check before you started raising your heart rate. During your cardio session, you’ll simultaneously release feel-good endorphins, raise your body temperature, decrease anxiety levels, and give your self confidence a boost. Push yourself with cardio until you’ve met your goal. During this workout, it’s important to not give up until your personal goal has been met, so make sure you create a realistic cardio goal for yourself!
  7. Resistance bands are the "Stress balls" of exerciseLower Body:

    After you’ve completed your cardio, get ready to work out your lower body. Work every muscle group you know how to work, and incorporate resistance bands into your fitness session. Resistance bands will maximize your results, in terms of relieving tension, since incorporating them will work your muscles in a different way, while simultaneously stabilizing them. Ever have a stress ball hanging around at your desk? Think of it like this: Resistance bands are the “stress balls” of exercise! Let that tension go!
  8. Upper Body:

    Move on to your upper body exercises, and focus on your abdominals, arms, and upper back. Again, work every muscle group you can and use your resistance bands! An exercise ball is also a powerful tool to use during a stress-relieving workout to help stabilize and balance muscles — this will help work off extra tension.
  9. Stretch:

    When you’ve completed your workout, keep your blood flowing by giving yourself a light stretch session, focusing on rhythmic breathing. This time, as you breathe, visualize any remaining points of tension, frustration, or stress leaving your body with each exhale. Continue stretching and breathing in tandem until you feel the clarity that felt so out of reach before you started your wind-down exercise session.
  10. Mental Check:

    Check in with your mind again and focus on how much lighter you feel. Mentally shake off any remaining stressors, come to terms with your situation(s), and fix your mind on continuing to show up for life, placing an importance on enjoying each step along the way. You got this!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Katie Austin Package Will Change the Way You Work Out Forever

Amazing workout plan to try with Katie Austin fitness package Your fitness routine should be fun, effective, and easy to do in any location. Now, there’s a box that gives you just that and more!

Breathe life back into your fitness routine by incorporating easy-to-use gear by DynaPro Direct and fun workouts created by Katie Austin. Austin is a millennial fitness leader who inspires and teaches thousands on social media to strive for and reach healthy goals. Now, there’s a box that brings our products and her inspiration right to your doorstep! The package includes portable and trendy fitness gear - plus access to energetic videos, featuring Katie Austin, that show you exactly what to do with the gear. Read on to see what you can do with the package to get results you’ll love!

  1. Get dressed for your workout:

    Okay, so this isn’t something you have to do, but it’s something you might really enjoy getting into the habit of doing! Push that old t-shirt to the left, and sport activewear that makes you feel good. Set an intention to collect a few pieces of clothing just for your fitness sessions. Dressing for the occasion helps get your head in the game, and it will boost your confidence too. Austin’s always showing off trendy fitness wear and she’s definitely onto something! Most importantly, don’t forget to wear your smile.
  2. Learn more about your body:

    Shake up your regular gym sessions and open up the lines of communication with your body. The workouts included will get your heart pumping and blood flowing, while the resistance bands will help stabilize and stretch your muscles. You’ll learn how important it is to balance your body as you continue to build strength. That’s a key to take with you through life.
  3. DynaPro® Jump Rope Become better at jumping rope:

    It is a foolish fitness-minded person who ignores the jump rope! Seriously though, jumping rope has been a staple workout for years - and for a good reason.

    Get excited to pick up the rope and learn how to use it the right way. Jump ropes are super portable too, so you can take your jump rope anywhere to get a quick workout in.
  4. Have fun while you pump up:

    It's literally impossible to work out with Austin and not have the time of your life. She knows when to be serious, when to push you, when to break out in laughter, and when to "shake it off." Whether you’re working out to better yourself, tone your body, relieve your stress, or go on a mental vacation, your body will naturally learn the importance of feeling good when you exercise after getting through these videos. This is another key that you should take with you through life.
  5. Get your blood flowing:

    Austin's workout series with DynaPro is far from boring or predictable. The millennial fitness guru is on trend, and combines several fitness styles - including cardio HIIT - to execute energetic routines that any beginner or seasoned strength-training professional would benefit from.
  6. DynaPro® Pink Exercise Ball Try new exercise ball techniques:

    Learn to love your exercise ball and keep it close by! You can stretch, build strength, wind down, or pump up with it. Try using it as a chair and learn moves from Austin that you can use for a lifetime. By reaching for the exercise ball when you work out, you end up strengthening your abdominals without even realizing it.
  7. Tone your muscles:

    You know what's not included in this package? Weights - and it's meant to be that way! By working out with Austin and DynaPro gear, you’re still going to see your muscles toning up and strengthening as if you were lifting weights. This will empower you to strength train even when weights are not accessible!
  8. Get obsessed with mini bands:

    You’ll receive four DynaPro mini precision loop bands (at different levels of resistance) in your workout package - learn to love 'em and use 'em! Stick one in your wallet (yep!) or in the pocket of your sweatshirt on your next run.

    Austin will show you the ropes, but you’ll likely discover new ways to use these bands to stretch and strengthen your muscles on your own, too. They are so easy to use. #trendalert
  9. Slim down:

    All of the DynaPro fitness gear will help you decrease your body fat percentage. By using them in the right way, you'll maximize your results. Austin will give you the confidence you need to learn new techniques and execute them properly. You’ll never have to second-guess or question yourself again!
  10. DynaPro® Resistance Band Experience how powerful resistance bands are:

    You'll never underestimate the power of resistance bands again! Not only can resistance bands have a profound effect on your pump-up sessions, but they’ll naturally help stabilize and balance your different muscle groups, too. This is crucial to building healthy muscle mass, and it’s been so often overlooked.

Katie Austin fitness package from DynaPro

Monday, December 5, 2016

Healthy Benefits of Working Out with a Jump Rope

While most of the people join gyms in an effort to lose fat and get in shape. This isn’t always necessary. You can get an intense cardio workout within the comfort of your home. Wondering how??

Top benefits of jumping rope

By just using your jump rope! There are variety of ways to use a jump rope and results achieved through it won’t let you put it down.

  • Jumping rope can be used as a great means to lose weight. You don’t have to cut off calories out of your diet. Jumping rope for 30 mins will help you lose weight in the healthiest manner possible and will also improve the quality of your life
  • Super portable fitness gear. This piece of fitness equipment can go anywhere with you. You don't have to commit to expensive gym membership to get yourself fit
  • Improves cardiovascular fitness: Incorporating this exercise equipment in your workout routine helps you build endurance and heart health
  • Improves coordination: Using jump rope in your daily workout routine helps you to improve your powers of coordination
  •  Versatile fitness tool for boxers: Boxing requires many skills that jump rope can provide. Boxers like, Floyd Mayweather prefer a PVC cable as opposed to a wire cable for the weight, speed, and control benefits

So, if you want to improve your flexibility and looking for best jump ropes on the market, you can always opt for DynaPro Direct pro grade jump ropes with long aluminium handles and adjustable PVC speed cable. Workouts with these jump ropes will not only boost your workout intensity, burn unwanted calories, increase the blood flow, strengthen the internal organs, build strength, improve breathing efficiency.

These jump ropes come with 100% lifetime replacement guarantee. Available in blue, green and pink variants at unbeatable prices. Pick the jump rope of your choice at 43% discount.

These jump ropes will allow you to perform a variety of exercises and designed to help you build speed, quickness, footwork, endurance and confidence. Jumping rope is a great way to enjoy cardiovascular exercises. It contributes to hormonal balance, Improves the muscle tone in the legs, Eliminates toxins through sweat and relieves tension and stress to a great extent.

Sounds interesting?

Grab your jump rope today and see the improvement in your fitness level yourself. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

10 Hacks to Make Holiday Eating Healthier On Thanksgiving

On a holiday morning, your first thought probably isn’t to pull out your resistance bands and get ready for a workout.

10 healthy thanksgiving hacks for you to stay on track

When you start thinking ahead to dinner, you may want to consider what workout you can fit in your day, and how it will make your festive meal even better. Yes, just because you’re not thinking about fitness on a day of celebration, you probably won’t be able to stop remembering your indulgence the next day. This year, let yourself off the hook. Indulge with these tips in mind to enjoy your holiday to the fullest:  
  1. Forget the fast.

    We know the usual plan, skip big meals throughout the day so that you’re really hungry for dinner. Stop right there! Not only does skipping meals make you less hungry, it’s a bad habit for both your mind and body to learn this habit. Small meals throughout the day will keep you on a regular schedule, and prepare you for a full dinner.
  2. Drink water throughout the day.

    Dehydration often shows itself with a lack of hunger. You know the feeling, when you haven’t eaten much all day and can’t understand why you’re not hungry. Prepare for a holiday meal by staying hydrated throughout the day, and you’ll avoid snacking before your favorite meal.
  3. Pro grade resistance bands for you to stay healthy on Thanksgiving

    Work Out.

    Don’t assume because it’s a holiday there isn’t enough time for a workout. Grab a few resistance bands and an exercise ball and create a 20-minute circuit you can do right at home. Perform squats, bicep curls, rows, and shoulder lifts with resistance bands, and make time for an ab workout with your exercise ball. A workout this simple can be done while you’re watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade! A morning workout will get you ready and energized for those long family holidays, and remind you to stay motivated about your goals. You’ll even be more likely to make healthier choices throughout the day.
  4. Plate setup.

    Yes, we have a strategy to our plate servings. Start out with the protein and veggies you’re going to eat. After you’ve filled up on nutrient-dense foods, serve yourself carbohydrates like stuffing, mashed potatoes, or even a biscuit. You’ll be able to enjoy your favorite foods, without becoming stuffed on carbs alone.
  5. Bring an appetizer.

    Bring a cheese and crackers alternative by offering to bring an appetizer you won’t feel as guilty about. Try homemade hummus or a veggie platter with yogurt dressing. With more options to choose from, you’ll save yourself and other guests calories throughout Turkey day!
  6. Lend a helping hand.

    Want to avoid the appetizers altogether? Offer to help the hostess. Keeping busy will prevent you from casual snacking so you can save room for the main course. It will also keep you on your feet and moving throughout the day! You’ll see your Fitbit steps increasing rather than reminding you to move! You might not realize just how much work you’ll be doing moving around the pot filled with five pounds of potatoes.
  7. Become your own bartender.

    Play bartender for yourself to cut out unnecessary calories, if you’re not skipping out on alcohol altogether. Choose seltzer and create flavors with fresh fruits and spices. Not sure what will be available? Bring your own signature cocktail to share so you can avoid added sugars and sodas, while giving everyone something to enjoy. If you give the host control over your liquid intake, you might end up consuming way more calories than you would have liked to.
  8. Hold the toppings.

    Chances are you won’t skip dessert, and we don’t blame you. What you can do, though, is skip out on the extra whipped cream topping to your pie. Enjoy your favorite pie, and skip the additions as a small way to cut out heavy calories to your day. Did you ever also consider what gravy is made from? The grease drippings from your turkey! If your gravy is homemade, you may want to especially enjoy it in moderation to avoid an added serving of fat to your day.
  9. Stay committed to your fitness routine with effective resistance band workouts

    Plan ahead.

    Guilt is a common feeling after the holidays as we indulge more than usual. Plan and schedule your next day’s workout ahead of time, whether it is hitting the gym or an at home resistance band workout. Knowing you already have a plan of action will help you stay committed to it and avoid those unhealthy guilty feelings associated with food.
  10. Enjoy!

    Yes, indulge and enjoy it! Holidays come once a year — if you have a slice of pie, take your time and slowly enjoy it rather than trying to see how much you can eat. (Think quality over quantity.) Eating slower will not only help you eat less, but will allow you to enjoy what you’re eating. By enjoying your favorite holiday treats in moderation you can create healthy eating habits.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

10 Ways to Get Out of a Sedentary Slump

Don’t want to move? Pump up your enthusiasm and get your head back in the game! Here’s how.

10 simple ways to beat a sedentary lifestyle

One of the biggest mood-killers is knowing you want to feel and look healthier, yet you just can’t muster up the motivation to get to work. Falling into a sedentary slump is normal, and you shouldn’t feel ashamed if it happens to you. Between vacations, holidays, stressful days at work, busy weekends with the family, and lack of sleep, it’s so easy to get off track — and sometimes, it feels impossible to get back on track.

The scary thing is the more active you are, the harder it is to get out of a sedentary slump since your change in lifestyle feels more significant. If you’re super health-conscious, you’ll notice the change in energy levels, weight gain, discomfort, and overall lack of confidence and enthusiasm right away. Sounds pretty awful, right? It is! But as awful as it is, it’s normal — it also makes for the perfect motivation to double-check that priority list of yours.
It’s time to ditch the chips, get off the sofa, and stop feeling sorry for yourself! Here’s how to pull yourself out of it:
  • Focus on self-care:

    There is so much more to physical fitness than the physical body. When we make our physical bodies healthier, in turn, we make our minds and emotions healthier too. When there’s a sudden decrease in care for the physical body, the mind takes a big blow. Understand that it’s just part of self-care to carve out time for personal fitness, even if there’s a lot going on around you. You’ll be better able to handle the circumstances and responsibilities in your life, and work through things with a clearer mentality if you’re able to continue a steady workout routine. Consider it self-care, and make time for fitness and health just like you make time for brushing your teeth and eating dinner
  • Don’t feel like a failure:

    It’s so easy to get down about falling into a slump, but there’s no sense in feeling like a failure. Keep in mind, if you fell into a slump, your body and mind might be communicating to you that it’s exhausted and under too much stress. When this happens, physical activity seems to be one of the first things to go, but it should really be the last thing to go. You are not a failure for resting your body. And while you’re out of the gym and off the track, you better start loving yourself instead of repeating negative mantras that will only hold you back and keep you down
  • Remember your success:

    Remember that time you were able to hit a new weightlifting goal? Or when you noticed your body’s flexibility steadily increasing? Remember that time you meal-prepped healthy dinners that would impress any top chef or personal trainer? Yeah — that was all you! It’s in you, and it’s in your bones to succeed. Remember that you are totally capable, and you have all of the power in the world to shift your life in any way you want to. And if you’re feeling down and out about getting into a sedentary slump, consider shifting your power to change that. Go put that cape on!
  • Get to the grocery store:

    Make sure your cabinets are filled with things that remind you of your health. Don’t let the refrigerator be empty, or the pantry be home to addicting, processed stuff that your body would do better without. Go to the grocery store and stock up on your favorite produce, lean meats, grains, and whatever else it is that fuels you up and gives you the nutrition and power to get through the motions of an active day. Set yourself up for success, and do what you can to prevent any caving into unhealthy cravings that will only make you feel more lethargic
  • Sleep in:

    It sounds counterproductive, but making a point to sleep in when you're feeling like you’re in a sedentary slump is crucial to coming out of it with a healthy mindset. By sleeping in, you’re acknowledging that you don’t feel ashamed or guilty about getting a little off track. Plus, circling back to self-care, your body might really need the extra snooze time. Remind yourself of what it’s like to get a full night of sleep, and bring this sentiment with you when you start picking things back up again
  • Strength-train at home:

    If you’re dreading getting to the gym, keep some fitness equipment in your home that you won’t get intimidated by. Try storing your resistance bands, mini precision loop bands, exercise ball, and jump rope in spaces in your home where you have downtime. Keep this kind of equipment in your bedroom, lurking around in the family room, or even start using your exercise ball as an office chair. By seeing workout tools and equipment that are fun and easy to use, you’ll feel more inclined to pick them up. Even a five-minute session with your resistance bands will make you feel so much better.
  • Remember the value in perseverance:

    Don’t you dare act like this is the first time you’ve fallen into a slump! (Okay, maybe it is…) But remember that there have been other situations when life or the circumstances in your life could have held you back. Remember the value in pushing through those times and not giving up when challenges show up at your doorstep
  • Keep a positive attitude:

    Catching a bad attitude is one of the worst side effects of decreasing physical activity. Do everything you can to avoid a negative mentality, so you can spare yourself and others in your life the pessimistic talk. No one wants to make the cloud over their head darker and more black, so why would you do that to yourself or your family and coworkers? Keep the attitude high and it will be much easier to come out of that slump
  • Decrease the stress in your life:

    You may have fallen into a slump because of other stresses in your life that have nothing to do with your physical activity level. Think about what you can do to decrease the overall levels of stress in your life, and do whatever you can to prevent future stressful situations. It’s as easy as pulling out a notepad, and breaking down the different areas of stress in your life. Then, flesh out feasible goals to ease those stressors
  • Continue building endurance:

    Even if you’ve fallen into a sedentary slump, you want to focus on keeping your heart pumping, at least every now and then. You’ve worked so hard to get your mile down by a minute, so don’t lose all of that because you’re going through a phase where you don’t even feel like tying your sneaks. Keep a jump rope at home, so you can continue to build cardio confidence, even if you don’t feel like doing the entire routine you know you’re capable of.

High quality fitness equipment to get out out of a sedentary lifestyle

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

10 Reasons You Need to Keep Health in Mind on Vacation

You’re traveling and enjoying life — it’s the perfect time to boost your energy levels and feel good by focusing on your health! Here’s how.

10 ways to stay active and fit while on vacation

Taking some vacation time will inspire you to recenter yourself, forget about stresses that occur on the day-to-day, and most of all, enjoy life! Whether you’re taking a trip with the family, or booking a flight on your own, it’s a good idea to focus on your health while you’re away. The best part? Focusing on your health during vacation time can actually amp up your motivation to focus on your overall health when you get back from your trip. Keep these healthy travel tips in mind before your next trip:
  1. Consider It Self-Care

    One of the worst things you can do is have the mentality that taking care of your health is a burden. In daily life, you might not always feel like you have the energy levels to man a full workout after a long day, or the self control to choose the salad over the pasta dish when you have a craving. It happens to all of us! Just remember, thinking about your mentality while away on vacation can really help. Think of exercising and eating right as luxuries, and make a conscious decision to choose getting active and opting for health whenever you get the chance to while away. When you associate luxury with self-care and health, you’ll be more likely to make time for yourself (and want to!) when you get back home from your trip.
  2. Embrace Meditation

    If you’re traveling somewhere serene, by the beach, in the mountains, or just about anywhere with a space that you can be one with yourself, take a few minutes each day to meditate. Meditation will completely reset your mind on vacation. It’s a great tool to slow your trip down and keep your mind in the right place to make the most out of each day. If eating healthy and making time for exercise is important to you on your trip, then affirm to yourself that you will prioritize those things during your mediation.
  3. Combine Exercise With Sight-Seeing

    This works especially well if you’re on your own, but it can totally happen if you’re traveling with a family, too. If you’re on a business trip, for example, in a city you’ve never seen before, pull up a map and plot out some of the city’s well-known sights and attractions. There’s your morning run! It’s easy to embark on a family adventure run too, but just be prepared to make frequent stops when different landmarks catch interest.
  4. Take an Active Trip

    You don’t need to be an expert rock climber, hiker, or skier to book an active vacation. There are plenty of family-friendly trips to book that will keep your tribe moving around in fresh air the entire time! Focus on areas known for their beautiful landscapes or beaches, and look to National Parks if you need some inspiration. If you’re going abroad, stay off of a cruise ship and consider venturing to a country where you know there will be lots of walking and sight-seeing.
  5. Bring Healthy Snacks

    Depending on where you go, and for how long, you can (and should!) prepare some healthy snacks to bring along. Healthy snacks can make or break your eating habits while away. From curbing hunger between meals, to keeping energy levels up, it’s important to keep snacks close that the entire family will enjoy. This will help you steer clear of caving in and buying processed, junky foods when on-the-go.
  6. Think Smart When Eating Out

    Make sure your meals aren’t spaced out too much while on vacation. As relaxing and enjoyable as vacations are, it’s likely that you and your family members will be expending a bit more energy than usual, so it’s important to pay attention to everyone’s different hunger cues. (Healthy snacking can stave off bad moods, by the way!) Study the menu and consider the different methods of cooking (baked vs. fried) and sauces (simple ingredients vs. bold and creamy) and try to go for options that come with fruits and veggies. Though you might be tempted to indulge on vacation, remember that overeating can drag you down and the last thing you want is to feel lethargic when there’s so much to take in.
  7. Moderate Alcohol Consumption

    Of course you should go for that glass of wine and feel zero guilt for sipping on a tropical drink poolside. But if you make indulging in alcoholic beverages a habit on your vacation, just remember that you can cut corners when it comes to calories. After your first frozen margarita (which can be around 700 calories) switch to a glass of wine or have a tequila soda.
  8. Bring the Right Equipment

    Make sure you bring some easy, portable exercise equipment along with you to make staying in shape on your trip easier. Deflate an exercise ball, pack it, and pump it up in your hotel room. Toss resistance (and mini resistance) bands into your carry-on, or bring a jump rope for diversifying your cardio routine while away. Working out while on vacation has never been easier, and all of our products are designed to go with you when you travel.
  9. Welcome New Healthy Habits

    While you’re away and experiencing a new area, find out the health secrets of the locals. This can range from anti-aging techniques to munching on the superfood of their city. Plus, see how the locals like to get their exercise in, and copy what they’re doing. You never know — you might pick up a few healthy habits that you’ll want to bring home with you.
  10. Don’t Depend on the Gym

    If your staying in a place that doesn’t include an exercise facility, that doesn’t mean staying healthy on your vacation is a wash — at all. Use your portable fitness equipment, strap on your sneakers, and get to work! While it’s certainly a luxury to work out in a new facility, it’s not a necessity, at all.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Woman Snags Medal and Fiancé at the NYC Marathon (Plus, How to Train for One)

Along with a medal, Charlotte Haigh scored herself a fiancé at the NYC Marathon

Can you think of a better way she could have ended the race? Didn’t think so!

Charlotte Haigh took to the streets of New York City on Sunday to navigate (and apparently conquer!) the 2016 TCS New York City Marathon. While it seems like luck was on this lady’s side — from getting selected to run in the marathon to having her man drop down on one knee — there was a lot of work that Haigh put in behind the scenes to have manifested such a monumental moment.

Haigh ran a total of 26.2 miles. To be clear, marathons are specifically 26.2 miles because that’s the exact distance between the Greek cities of Marathon and Athens. It is said that a Greek messenger named Pheidippides ran between the cities (from Marathon to Athens) after the Battle of Marathon in 490 BC to announce the Greeks had defeated the Persians in the battle.

Running 26.2 miles is no easy feat, and in fact, the ability to do so may not even come naturally for some of the most seasoned and notable runners. There’s a ton of training involved in prepping for a run of this measure, so check out some of the best ways to do it. As for experiencing a proposal at the finish line? That’s on you — but the determination, dedication (and bod!) it takes to complete a marathon won’t hurt!
  1. Set Weekly Mileage Goals:

    Before the start signal sounds on marathon day, you want to make sure your body is well adjusted to running for long periods of time. Rather than focusing on running for an extended amount of time on one day, think of the mileage collectively — over the course of a week — and start with setting feasible goals. Once you’ve reached your weekly mileage goal, up the ante a little bit. Then, strap on those sneakers and get to it! (You might need a new pair by now…)
  2. Balance Your Muscles:

    Keeping your body in constant motion means your cardiovascular system and muscles are working really, really hard. Runners get so focused on the cardio aspect of training, they often aren’t dedicating enough time to exercises that help stabilize and strengthen the muscles that support running. It’s crucial for a marathon runner to not neglect training with a focus on stretching, strengthening, and stabilizing three key areas: Glutes, Core, and the Hip Flexors. Snatch up a pair of resistance bands — they’re so portable, you can take them on your runs — and go to town when it comes to stabilizing and strengthening your muscles. The bands will make your workout session more efficient, so you can spend more time on cardio.
  3. Switch Up Your Cardio Routine:

    In training, you’ll be getting lots of cardio work in, so vary up your routine to give certain muscles and joints a break on the day-to-day. For a challenge, try a long swim or partake in an intense cardio fitness class. If you want to squeeze in some cardio in the office or at home, grab a jump rope and get to it!
  4. Stay Motivated:

    If you’ve set a goal for yourself to complete a marathon, that alone deserves a nod — so don’t let yourself get discouraged or overwhelmed now! All successful runners experience the bad days, and the only way they’ve ever gotten to the finish line is by persisting through the challenges. Your mentality will be your best friend when it comes to persisting and sticking to your running goals. Stay motivated by watching re-runs online of your favorite races, perusing the blogs of other marathon runners, and following runners on social media who share the same passion.
  5. Fuel Up:

    Your food and drink choices will have an enormous impact on your running results. Increase your carbs in the hours leading up to the big day, and layer in some protein to amp up your energy on marathon day, too. In nearing the date of your run, you might decide to go on a “practice” run. If that’s the case, eat and drink in the way you would on the actual date to see how your body responds. While you’re running, hydrate your body with electrolyte drinks and keep your carb level up. As for after the race? Eat whatever you want! As Haigh said, “Today I ran 26.2 miles. And got engaged to the love of my life. Now I get to go eat pizza and drink beer with my family and best NYC friends.”
Shop high quality fitness equipment for strength and fitness

Friday, November 4, 2016

10 Reasons Why Resistance Bands Will Literally Change Your Life

The benefits of resistance bands will blow your mind. Here’s what you need to know! It’s the latest fitness trend for a reason — resistance bands will change the way you work out, forever! There are all different kinds of resistance bands, but there are variations of band training that you should consider incorporating into your workout routine — STAT. Start with standard resistance training bands, and mini bands! There are endless perks to using these precision training tools in your workout routine. The best part? They’re super portable, so you can use them at home, on a trip, in the office, or at the gym. Our DynaPro Direct bands are high quality, since the last thing you want is a band breaking when you’re breaking a sweat. The standard and mini bands come in different levels of resistance, respectively. Even if you’re just starting out, it’s smart to grab a set so you can vary the levels of resistance you’re working with. Here are the top ten reasons why resistance band junkies will never stop:
  1. You don’t have to learn new skills to use them:

    Resistance bands will do whatever you want them to do! There’s no need to go crazy trying to develop a brand new workout routine to use them. You’ll be able to incorporate the bands into the workout routine you know and feel comfortable with.
  2. You can get fit while you’re at work:

    Resistance bands, specifically mini bands, are the perfect tools to keep in your desk drawer at the office. You can wrap the band around your legs to stretch or work your muscles while you’re sitting at your desk, and you can also get in a quick arm workout that will relieve the tension and stress that’s been building up the entire day.
  3. resistance-bands-at-beach

    You can be adventurous with your bands:

    Bring your bands with you to the beach or take them with you on a hike! You can even wrap a band around a tree to stabilize the band as you push and pull. Possibilities are endless, and since they’re so portable, you can really get creative with how and where you use them. It adds a fun twist to toning up, since you wouldn’t necessarily bring heavy weights along with you when you’re working out on-the-go.
  4. You’ll notice results:

    Resistance bands are simple, but the benefits the bands have on the human body are far from mundane. Your muscles will become stronger, more stable, and your range of motion will increase along with your flexibility.
  5. You will feel better in the morning:

    Sometimes, it’s daunting to think about getting in a full body workout at the very beginning of the day. But since resistance bands are smaller in size, you can keep some right in the drawer of your nightstand. In the morning, you can use the bands to get in a quick pump or stretch and get that blood flowing before your day starts. You’ll get addicted to doing that.
  6. workout-anywhere-with-resistance-bands

    You’ll take them everywhere you go:

    Pack the bands in your purse or in your suitcase to get a quick pump in before hitting the beach or an important social event. You’ll appreciate the ten-minute tone-up right at your fingertips.
  7. You’ll ditch your partner:

    Not in a bad way, but you won’t need a workout buddy anymore! There’s no reason to feel unsafe if you don’t have a spotter — like you would if you were lifting — though it’s extra fun and motivating to work out with a partner who shares the same fitness goals.
  8. You’ll save money, lots of it:

    Hello, bank account that isn’t depleting! It’s important to change up your fitness routine in general, but you’ll find that using resistance bands is fun and effective enough to cut back on splurging for pricey classes or heavy lifting equipment. Once you know how to use the simple bands (and master the different techniques!) you’ll be able to cut back on personal training sessions, too.
  9. resistance-bands-workout

    You’ll tell all of your friends about it:

    You’re going to have such a fun time working with the bands and enjoying the results, that you’ll want to blast your success on social media and encourage your friends to try it, too. There’s a huge community on Instagram that uses the bands regularly, so it’s fun to share your techniques and inspire others who love the bands, too.
  10. You’ll punch muscle memory in the face:

    When working out, it’s important to not do the same workout every day, over and over again. You won’t build as much muscle that way! By incorporating resistance bands into some of your favorite moves, you’ll trick your muscles without feeling like you’re doing anything that different. That’s less work, and better results for you!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Health-Or-Treat: 10 Ways To Keep Your Family On Track After Halloween

Success on Halloween night means lots of candy might be lurking around your home. Here's how to keep everyone on track.

The spookiest time of the year doubles as prime time for kids to score a candy jackpot! While Halloween is a tradition, it's important to keep in mind how damaging a big sack of sugary goodies can really be for a health-focused family. It's just as important to remember that there are ways to keep the family healthy, without making your kids unhappy - especially after a night as magical as Halloween. If you're a parent, play the Good Witch (or Warlock!) role, and divvy up the sweets in a way that will keep your kid’s spirit soaring. Here are 10 ways to do it:
  1. Don't trick the trick-or-treater

    Your kid has spent hours - days! - fantasizing about the mischievous magic of Halloween night. Choosing a costume, making Halloween crafts, and watching spooky movies are just a few examples of the festive activities that amplify a child’s excitement for the fun traditions that come hand-in-hand with Halloween night. That's what makes it fun! You will absolutely crush your kid’s spirit if you don't take their candy loot seriously. The witchiest thing you could do is take something from your child’s coveted candy stash without talking about it first. Let your kiddos know prior to venturing out into the night that when they return, you will join in on the excitement of sorting the candy. Don’t police your kids! Keep a watchful eye without being a downer. This way, they’ll be mentally and emotionally prepared to have you there checking out the collected candy supply. You can also use this time to mention the basic safety concerns of collecting candy from strangers. If something doesn't look right, or if you see your kid snagged your favorite candy that you haven't had in 10 years, don't trick your child. Explain to your little one why that piece of candy doesn’t look right (say, a ripped wrapper) and feel free to voice that your favorite treat is sitting in the pile of loot. You might be surprised when your kid’s eyes light up in excitement to give it to you. And if they don’t, move on and pick up a piece of that candy in the grocery store tomorrow if you really need it.
  2. Trade it

    If your kiddo has allergies, or you just can’t stand the thought of having so much Halloween candy in the house, make a deal. Explain to your kid that she can trade in 10 pieces of candy for a small toy, or 20 pieces of candy for a something a little bit bigger. It’s a smart idea to have two or three options stashed in the closet at home. If your kid really just wants to keep the candy, then you can just save the toys for Christmas.
  3. Give it

    If your kids are old enough to understand what it means to give back, then run this by them! Your kids can send some (or all!) of their candy to Operation Gratitude, an organization that sends more than 100,000 care packages annually to U.S. troops and their children. Kids will have fun putting together the packages and including a special letter or picture. If you want to do this with your family, jump on it! The deadline to send Halloween candy is mid-November.
  4. Pace your portions

    So you've hawked, negotiated, and donated and you're still left with a pile of individually wrapped sugar? It's more important (now than ever before!) to harness the power of portioning. As excited as your kids may be about their candy, it’s your job to protect them from candy crashes, M&M meltdowns, and Twizzler tantrums by setting some limits and standards around two things:
    • How often: Decide when your kids will get to indulge. Is it once after school? Or at lunch and then again after dinner? How often on weekends? Include your kid in the decision making around this, and leave some room for negotiating. If you want your kid to have no more than three pieces after school, go in asking how she feels about choosing one piece every day after school. If she wants more, let her feel heard and agree on two pieces. If she’s still pushing for more, then you won’t feel like you need to get into a battle about her having three pieces after school.
    • How much: How many pieces of candy you give your child in one sitting is up to you, your child, and their current diet. If your kid is a healthy eater, do try to to limit the candy during each treat time to one to two pieces. If your kid regularly snacks on sugary foods or sodas (New Year’s resolution, anyone?!) then they will have more tolerance for the sugary candies. They might be able to have two to four pieces.
    If your kid is younger, keep the candy out of their reach until it's time to pick out pieces. If your kid is older, don’t try to control keeping the candy if you’re working on developing trust. Let your kid keep the stash, but keep an eye on it. If it's depleting at a faster rate than agreed upon, then you can certainly be the keeper of the candy.
  5. Save some for baking

    As you're sorting through the sweets with your kid, explain that some of the candies can be used for baking. Even better, ask your little baker if he'd want to set some candy aside to bake a Thanksgiving dessert when the time comes! Whether it's for Thanksgiving or not, set a goal to set some baking-friendly candy aside in your baking cabinet. The stash keeps getting smaller/
  6. Add it to a smoothie

    Ask your kids for some peanut butter and chocolate candies to make them a Halloween Milkshake. You can use chocolate protein powder, milk, and a scoop of peanut butter to whip up some healthy smoothies. Garnish with the candy or toss some chunks into the smoothies. Your kids don’t need to know that the entire smoothie isn’t made from candy - plus, it will still taste like it.
  7. Make trail mix

    Grab those seeds, nuts, pretzels, and whatever else you like in your trail mix! Toss in some candies to sweeten it up. Keep in mind that not all trail mix is healthy, so think about the overall calories and sugar found in the dried fruits and other ingredients you will use. This is a really fun (and sustaining) snack for kids to bring to school, too.
  8. Store it for the gingerbread house

    Choose the hard candies that will look adorable as Christmas lights on a gingerbread house. Don’t make your kid feel like you’re takings something away. Remind her that she can choose to design her gingerbread house however she likes, and if she sees something really cool, then you’ll help her by putting it aside. Watch that stash get even smaller.
  9. Bring some to the office

    Tell your kids you’d like to bring some candy to the office and see what the reaction is. You deserve some of this candy after all of the hard work you’ve put in driving back and forth to Halloween get togethers, supervising the trick-or-treating festivities, and giving your kid the best face paint job on the block! Toss some candy into a dish and watch your coworkers empty it out, or keep them close by your desk.
  10. Work out

    If you work out as a family together (again, some New Year’s resolution inspiration!) explain to the family that when sweets are added into the diet, it makes sense to add in a little extra time for physical activity during the day. Whether that means five extra sit-ups or ten more minutes stretching, let the kids know what it means to strike a balance between diet and physical activity. That’s a lesson that will last a lifetime.
Check out Effective Workouts Here to Get Back in Shape!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Supercharge Your Health With An Exercise Ball

Add an exercise ball to your workout routine and daily life to maximize results. Here’s how.

3 ways to supercharge your health with an exercise ball

Shake up your get-in-shape sessions with a high quality exercise ball that won’t deflate on you when you’re in the midst of molding your body. Use the ball for full-body toning, stabilizing your muscles, strengthening your core, and improving your posture and balance. Bring the ball beyond your gym (or home!) and use it in the office as a chair — trust us, you’ll love it!

Exercise balls come in all different colors, sizes, and materials. Choose a ball in you favorite color with a thick lining that supports your body in the healthiest way. Go with a larger size (75 cm) if you’ll use it as a chair, and go for a standard size (65 cm) if you just want to use it for working out. If you have a smaller frame, or you want your kid or tween to start using the ball, then a smaller size ball (55 cm) will suit your needs. DynaPro Direct offers the highest quality lining, in colors like bright pink, blue, grey, and black — in all three sizes.

If you’re brave enough — or smart enough — to swap out your office chair for an exercise ball, or switch between the two throughout the day, there’s a few things you need to know:

Exercise ball to stay fit and energetic in the office
  • It’s important to change it up at work, since a classic office chair can be the source of major back and neck discomfort
  • Exercise balls in the office are ergonomics-approved, and your boss (and coworkers!) won’t think it’s strange that you’re swapping your seat for a healthier option. In fact, it might inspire others in your workplace to do the same
  • You’ll notice your core and back muscles strengthening naturally, which will improve your posture, confidence, and mood
  • Sitting on an exercise ball is plain fun, and it might help you focus a bit more. Plenty of European schools encourage their students to sit on stability balls to improve focus and concentration throughout the school day 

If you’re ready to incorporate an exercise ball into your workout routine for lower-body training, here’s what you need to know:

Lower-body workouts with an exercise ball
  • Be prepared to get down: The ball will act as a weighted tool when you’re doing floor workouts, like leg lifts, reverse leg curls, bridges, ball squeezes, V-presses, knee tucks, toe raises, and more!
  • Don’t forget to squat: One of the most popular exercise ball moves is a wall squat. Place the ball between your back and the wall, and lowering down into a squat. You can do this with weights to increase the intensity of the move

If you’re ready to incorporate an exercise ball into your workout routine for upper-body training, here’s what you need to know:

Upper-body workouts with an exercise ball
  • Push it: The ‘push’ motion will become your new best friend. Whether you’re doing body-balancing push-ups on top of the exercise ball, or working modified push-ups by executing the move while your hands (or feet!) are resting on the ball, you’re going to notice a huge difference in the strength you feel when the workout is over
  • Love your six pack: Whether you can see it (yet!) or not, your core is going to be strengthening like never before. No matter what exercise you do with a stability ball, the core benefits big time, but if you choose to target your core while using the exercise ball, you’ll experience a satisfying burn that didn’t burn you out in the process. Try different variations of crunches — by the way, your back will be strengthening the entire time, too!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Best Fitness Tips from Top Trainers and Coaches

Staying on top of your health has a lot to do with what’s going on outside of the gym. Check out the best tips from leading coaches and trainers in the fitness industry.

6 best fitness tips from top trainers and coaches
The best time to start working on improving your overall health is right now! There’s always room for improvement when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, whether it has to do with trying more challenging workouts or becoming more nutrition-savvy. An important part of getting the most out of your workouts — from start to finish — has to do with your overall mentality and motivation, too. Check out some of the best tips and #fitspiration from top trainers, to shape up your overall approach to getting healthier, just in time for the holidays.


“We all love food! But it's your relationship with food that is important. No matter where you are in your journey, you need to love food. It's what fuels your body and your mind. Food truly should make you happy. When you aren't eating enough or aren't eating the right things, your emotions will swing. Food can also change a lot of situations--it can spice up a meeting, it can improve a celebration, and it creates time to talk around the dinner table. Don't fear food. Instead, love it for what it does. Understand it and become more knowledgeable about it. A healthy relationship with food is one of the best things you can do for yourself.” - Shaun T.


“The mind is more powerful than we think. We can talk ourselves into (or out of) anything. At least I’ve found that that I can. On a good day, when my head is in the right place, I can talk my laziest version of my physical self into hitting the gym hard, and talk my junk food-craving self out of devouring the bag of whatever cookies are in the cupboard. But there are those days, when those are flipped. When my head is not where it needs to be—and my body will follow suit.” - Darnell Cox of Live Young Lifestyle


“I’m all about the laid-back look, like jeans and cute tees, but when it comes to gym gear — nothing gets me pumped up like a cool new pair of kicks. Investing in stylish, comfortable clothes and killer kicks can really amp up the enthusiasm for dragging yourself to the gym. So what if you’re there to show off your hot, new gear. You’re still working it on the elliptical, and that’s all I care about.” - Jillian Michaels


“My mom has always said, “Your muscles don’t know if you are in a fancy gym or in your kitchen.” Think about that. A minute here and a minute there adds up to firm up. Simple things can go far. For example, when walking up the stairs, skip a step and squeeze your booty for a butt toner. Or, say you’re in the kitchen waiting for your water to boil, why not do some standing leg lifts?” - Katie Austin


“Sometimes the toughest part of dealing with failure is not the actual event but how we think people are going to judge or criticize us over it. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who can help you through your difficult time and don’t think about what society will say. Everyone has experienced failure at some point and will again at some stage.” - Lou Ferrigno


“Your body becomes dehydrated as you sleep, so it’s important to drink water when you first wake up. We like to sip an 8 oz. glass before we start our workout. (You don’t want to drink too much or you risk getting yucky stomach cramps.) If you aren’t really a fan of plain H20, add some natural flavorings like ginger, mint, lemon, lime, or even berries!” - Karena and Katrina of Tone It Up

Lead a healthy lifestyle with high quality fitness equipment from DynaPro Direct