Friday, April 28, 2017

30 Day Ab Challenge: The Knee Tuck

Strengthen your core and improve your fitness with this 30 day knee tuck challenge

Over the course of our 30-Day Ab Challenge, we take an in-depth look at each of the exercises used, and this week we delve into knee tucks.

Here’s how it works: Three exercises over 30 days, and we up the intensity each day. Simple.

Think again!

Our 30 Day Ab Challenge is a great way to jumpstart that summer body training! If you have summer on your mind or you’re just looking for a new challenge, join in and challenge yourself to three different exercises—the crunch, the plank, and the knee tuck.

Today, we give you the most vital advice for knee tucks. Alright, let’s get to it!

Knee Tuck

  1. Balance yourself on ball, find stability, and then roll the ball forward with your feet as you tuck your knees into your chest
  2. Keep your entire core tight to stay stable throughout the movement. To avoid wrist pain, spread your weight evenly throughout all fingers and palm
By the end of the challenge, your core will be stronger, your performance at the gym will enhanced, and your confidence will be boosted. Remember to track how you improve with each exercise, how you look, and how you feel. You’ll be surprised with the results!

Download the 30-day free workout schedule here.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

30 Day Ab Challenge: The Plank

Over the course of our 30-Day Ab Challenge, we are zeroing in on each of the exercises used, and this week we focus on the plank.

Try the 30 day plank challenge for strong and toned abs

Here’s how it works: Three exercises over 30 days, and we up the intensity each day. Simple.  

Think again! 

Our 30 Day Ab Challenge is a great way to jumpstart that summer body training! If you have summer on your mind or you’re just looking for a new challenge, join in and challenge yourself to three different exercises—the crunch, the plank, and the knee tuck.

Today, it’s all about plank advice. Do the stated reps and hold time, adjust as needed and work your way up! Now, let’s get started...

The Plank

  1. There are two different ways to do a plank on the exercise ball: Put your feet on the ball and hands on the ground, or have your elbows on the ball with your feet on the ground
  2. Keep your whole core tight on this one
  3. Use your back muscles, glute muscles, and abs to keep your body in a straight line
  4. Don’t stick that booty too far up in the air or let it sag
Download the 30-day free workout schedule here.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

30 Day Ab Challenge: The Crunch

Over the next three weeks, we’ll zero in on each exercise used in the 30-Day Ab Challenge exercises. Today: The Crunch.

Get super strong abs with a 30 day crunch challenge

Here’s how it works: Three exercises over 30 days, and we up the intensity each day. Simple.

Think again!

If you’re looking for a new challenge or have summer on your mind, it’s time to kick it up a notch. It’s never too early to get started and this 30 Day Ab Challenge is a great way to kick-start that summer body training!

You’re going to challenge yourself to three different exercises—the crunch, the plank, and the knee tuck. Today, we begin with tips for the crunch. Do the stated reps and hold time, adjust as needed and work your way up! Here we go...

The Crunch

  1. Keep your feet flat on the ground, lean back over the ball, and keep core tight to pull yourself up
  2. Find a position on the ball that works best for you to stay balanced and have the largest range of motion
  3. Remember to breathe!
Download the 30-day free workout schedule here.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Catch Some Inspo: Fitness Guru Katie Austin Is Obsessed With Fun Workouts

Spice up your workout routine to get better results, faster. Here’s how!

Interview with Katie Austin to make workouts more fun

On a daily basis, Katie Austin motivates thousands of followers to have fun while working out through her social media platforms, like Instagram and YouTube. In an exclusive interview with DynaPro Direct, Austin shares her secrets to a perfect workout routine, tells us what her diet consists of, and shows us how to have a blast getting fit. Plus, she shows us what some of her favorite fitness moves are!

DynaPro Direct: At what point in your life did you decide you wanted to turn your love for fitness into a career?

Katie Austin: I've always been into fitness and health ever since I can remember, as my mom, Denise Austin, was in the industry. She had her own TV show, books, and DVDs. But, it wasn't until my junior year of college, right after I stopped playing division one athletics at University of Southern California, that I realized what I wanted to pursue. Because I studied TV production, I started a segment on USC's college station, where every Wednesday I would give a fit tip or show a workout. Both my love for fitness and TV came together, and from there it became my passion.

DD: What's the importance of having fun during workout sessions?

KA: UMM, ALL THE IMPORTANCE! In my opinion, if you're having fun during a workout, you forget you're even working out! When a workout is fun, it's more sustainable because it isn't as dreadful. That's also why I love working out with a buddy so much, because friends help keep you entertained!

DD: What's your go-to recipe?

KA: All my go-to recipes are super simple! If it's not simple, OR tasty, it won't be realistic. My go-to meal would be quinoa, chicken, a veggie, and an avocado. And honestly, it all depends what I have in the fridge! I love making trays of different veggies and protein. For example, I’ll set my oven to around 350 degrees, lay out a cookie tray of veggies and chicken, sprinkle with garlic, salt and pepper, and bake until it’s ready! It always turns out delicious!

DD: Can you talk a little bit about your Katie Austin Box with DynaPro Direct? What was your favorite part about creating or launching the workouts and box?

Transform your workout routine with Katie’s fitness package
KA: My collab equipment box with DynaPro was SO awesome for me in many ways. I love giving my girls something they can physically use in their homes, on the go, and just about anywhere. It makes a workout more convenient and easy, as there is not just one piece of equipment in the box, but FOUR. AKA, there are endless workouts you can do with all these pieces.

DD: What's your favorite move with a jump rope?

Jump rope workout with Katie Austin
KA: My favorite move is a one-leg jump rope! You really feel the burn because you're just focusing on one leg at a time. It also burns the calves!

DD: What's your favorite way to use resistance bands and mini resistance bands?

KA: ANYTHING booty related. Using the bands makes butt and leg workouts so much more challenging, and you can definitely see results quicker.

DD: What's your favorite way to work out with an exercise ball?

KA:A pike, for sure. Best ab move.

DD: What's one of your favorite quotes, or something you say during your workout classes to help motivate everyone?

KA: "It'll all be worth it, you will thank yourself later." During the workout, you can get very discouraged. Sometimes a workout can be so hard you may feel like giving up. I've even said to myself many times, "Ugh what's five more reps? It won't matter." "Oh what's one more set going to do?" But, it’s so important to tell myself and others it will all add up and be worth it. It's inspiring to know that the workout you are completing is important for reaching your goals.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Diary of a Fit Mommy’s Sia Cooper on Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle No Matter What

The Florida-based personal trainer discusses how to stay motivated through motherhood.

Interview with Sia Cooper to help you stay motivated through motherhood

Calling all super moms and super moms-to-be! Sia Cooper—a certified personal trainer who specializes in nutrition and women’s fitness, and the face of Diary of a Fit Mommy—dishes on why it’s important to embrace a healthy lifestyle and how to regain gym motivation.

We get it, mom-life is tiring, but Sia, a mom of two, knows exactly how to fight the fatigue and make healthy happen. After eating poorly, gaining weight and constantly being sick in college, she knew it was time for a change. She turned to clean eating and started a blog to keep herself accountable and share with others what worked in her new lifestyle. She dropped the extra weight and continued blogging throughout her first and second pregnancy. Today, Sia continues to inspire others daily with her workout tips and guides. But she isn’t doing it alone—she has two adorable workout buddies to kickstart her routine!

DynaPro Direct: Why should new moms prioritize fitness and working out? Why is it so important to you?

Sia Cooper: New moms should make fitness a habit for their own sanity. Before they can take care of their kids, they have got to remember to take care of themselves. This is the only way that I can function since a happy mommy equals a happy family!

DD: How do you make time for your fitness routines?

SC: The main time that I workout daily is when my daughter naps. As soon as she falls asleep, I get my workouts done. You’ve got to learn to use your free time wisely.

DD: How do you involve your kids in your workouts?

SC: Lots of ways! I like wearing my daughter in her baby carrier, and my son will copy what I do or I’ll have him hang onto my back.

DynaProWhat do you think is the biggest reason new moms lose their motivation to work out? How can they overcome that?

SC: The biggest reason for losing motivation is the obstacles that come with having a new baby, but they can overcome these obstacles by nixing the excuses and making their babies the reason to workout and stay healthy.

DD: Exercise balls, jump ropes and resistance bands are all portable pieces of exercise equipment that new moms can use right at home. Do you use any of these products and have any favorites?

SC: I use exercise balls and resistance bands on a regular basis. I love the bands especially since they are easy to take with me wherever I go!

DD:How important is nutrition to you? What kind of nutrition rules do you stick to?

SC: Nutrition is more than half of the battle so it is super important to me. I like to eat an 80/20 diet—80 percent clean and 20 percent indulgent—because I feel it is important to spoil yourself even just a little sometimes.

DD:How can someone who's new to the world of exercise and clean eating jump in? What’s the best way to start a new daily routine that includes this healthy lifestyle?

SC: The best way is to find a guide that best works for you. This is why I created my Strong Body Guide to help walk you through daily workout plans and meal planning. It is always best to remind yourself that it is not a race—it’s a lifestyle. You do not have to rush to get back into fitness or to get your body back. You should take your time and start slow.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

10 Reasons Why You Need Portable Fitness Products To Workout Before The Beach Or Pool On Spring Break

Fitness essentials to stay active and healthy on spring break

The perfect gear for pumping up before hitting the pool or beach on vacation…

Before you head off on your spring break vacation, make sure you toss this fitness gear in your suitcase. You worked so hard to get in shape this vacation, why not throw a few sets in at the hotel room or on the beach before you head out. You’ll feel toned and confident to flex those muscles while you’re away soaking up the sun. Here’s why:
  1. Portability Matters:

    We know you don’t even want to think about lugging around extra gear in your suitcase! Picking easy-to-pack essentials matters. Various resistance bands, jump ropes, and even an exercise balls (deflated for travel) offer a variety of workouts while taking up little room in your carry-on.

  2. Stay Active on the Plane:

    Take a mini resistance band on the flight (especially long hauls) to stay active beyond just walking up and down the aisles. Keeping the upper and lower body active will reduce stress and tension from those crowded airplane seats.

  3. Plan Ahead:

    If possible, think about how active you’re going to be on your trip, then pack accordingly. Plan on spending time poolside? Bring a resistance band. Only have time for a quick workout in the hotel? Pack a jump rope and get your heart rate going in just a few minutes. Have an oversized balcony to use as your hotel gym? Blow up that exercise ball and get to work.

  4. Change of Pace:

    Don’t let the departure from your regular gym dampen your routine. Take this opportunity to try a new exercise or mix in something you typically don’t do. Haven’t used resistance bands before? Give ‘em a go! New to exercise balls? Go for it!

  5. Make Friends:

    Chances are, you won’t be the only one trying to fit in a workout on spring break, but you may be the only one who was smart enough to pack gear! Get a jump rope group going and you’ll have new friends in no time.

  6. Travel-Ready Gear:

    Durability matters. Packing things like our top-rated exercise ball means your workout gear will be intact when you arrive. The portable pump means you can inflate in the hotel room and have instant balance and core exercises.

  7. Outdoor Adventuring:

    Pro-grade jump rope for beach vacationHiking just got a lot more fun. Pack a resistance band or two in your daypack for a new twist on the trails. They’ll add a nice upper body challenge to your trek.

  8. Training for a Big Event? Keep Going:

    Our portable line is the perfect way to maintain your training schedule while stepping away for vacation. Combining a couple of resistance workouts with a morning run means you won’t miss a beat.

  9. Or, Be a Trainer for Someone Else:

    If you have the room, pack some extra workout gear and see where it takes you. Even just an extra set of bands could lead to new adventures on your hard-earned vacation.

  10. Balance Anywhere:

    Business travel can be especially stressful. Imagine coming back to your room after a long day of meetings and presentations and having the opportunity to unwind. Our exercise ball is a great way to bring the mind and soul back to center and keep that spring break vibe front and center. Reach for the resistance bands to take the edge off, or for the jump rope to get your heart rate up.

Get your Fitness Gear Here SHOP NOW!
Also Available on


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Ditch the Baby Weight and Get Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Back

Effective ways to lose postpartum baby weight

FitElyse spills her best secrets to toning up after delivery day!
So, it’s been a crazy nine months, and you couldn’t be happier with your brand new baby! Life has forever changed — but so has your belly. Yes, having a child is worth it, but if only you could ditch that baby weight for good, right?
I know, mamas! I've been there — twice — and it's tough. These days, new parents are sleep-deprived and exhausted. It feels like almost every waking minute is spent changing diapers, feeding your newborn, changing more diapers, soothing the baby. Did I mention changing diapers?!

Lose postpartum baby weight with mini bandsThere's not much time for you to take care of you, but without a healthy YOU, it's hard to have a truly healthy family. So, whether you've just been given the okay to work out after having a baby, or if you've been waiting and waiting and now that baby is a year old — the time is now. The good news is you can achieve that pre-baby body and even more right at home! And it starts in the kitchen with clean meals.

I know, I know, you don't have time. But neither do I, but prepping clean meals in advance is key. Otherwise, when the clock hits noon and Baby is finally napping, you’ll be starving and that junk food will call your name.

The crockpot is my go-to. Each week, I make a large batch of steel-cut oatmeal for a nice morning meal. Lunch is often scrambled eggs and veggies, a hummus and turkey sandwich or leftovers. For dinner, I go back to my trusty crockpot. Chili is a staple around our house: beans, beef or chicken, a little onion, and some seasonings is all it takes to create an easy, filling meal.
Between meals, be sure to keep healthy snacks around. (No, the graham cracker off the floor doesn’t count.) Nibble on fresh fruits and veggies, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, low sugar protein bars and shakes. Eating frequent, small meals will get your metabolism firing like a wood-burning stove.


Best foods to eat after having a babySteelcut Crockpot Oatmeal
(Makes 8 servings)
  • 2 Cups of Steel-Cut Oats
  • 6-7 Cups of Water
  • 1 Tablespoon of Vanilla Extract
Add in 1-2 Cups of frozen berries, 1-2 Cups of sliced apples or 1 can of unsweetened pumpkin
Add all of the ingredients in the crockpot and cook on a low setting for five to six hours. Add more water if needed. In the morning, simply heat and top with a little Greek yogurt and cinnamon!

Green Chicken Chili

(makes several servings)
  • 1 LB Chicken Breast
  • 1 Cup Chicken Broth
  • 1 Small Sweet Onion, Diced
  • 1 Can of Diced Green Chilies
  • 1 Cup of Green Enchilada Sauce
  • 2 Cans of Beans (Pinto, Black, Kidney, Northern, Chili)
  • Salt, Pepper, Chili Powder to Taste
Place the onion in the crockpot and pour in the chicken broth and add the chicken breasts. Cook four to six hours, until the chicken is done. Dice the chicken and add it back into crockpot with all of the other ingredients. Cook on low for one to two additional hours. Try topping with a little cilantro and a squeeze of lime!


While baby naps or does some tummy time, let’s get to work on that tummy of yours. A combo of cardio and resistance training is the best mix.

Here’s a guide to some of my routine:

  • Frequency: 4-5 times a week. (Aim for 3 days of resistance training and 2 days of cardio.)
  • Length: 20-30 minutes a day (A 20-minute stroller jog will do wonders for you both.)
  • Intensity: PUSH it! Work hard, get done fast
  • Gear: 1 DynaPro exercise ball and 3 DynaPro mini bands



  • Warm-Up: Five minutes of jump rope, jumping jacks, high knees, or running up and down stairs
  • Exercise Ball Squats
  • Exercise Ball Crunches
  • Mini Band Outer Thigh Steps
  • Push-Ups With Feet on Exercise Ball
  • Mini Band Back Squeeze
  • Plank With Mini Band Glute Kicks
  • Frequency: Cycle through two to three sets or until the baby needs your attention!

Progress in the kitchen is key to a healthy and balanced lifestyle for you and your newborn. A handful of greens, lean meat and a bit of fiber are the first part of the mix. When you add these muscle burning moves and some cardio, you have a recipe for success!

Get your Mini Bands Here SHOP NOW!
Also Available on


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Perfect Full Body Workout with Resistance Bands

At lunch, your co-workers are talking about this fun barre class they went to over the weekend. When you meet up with your friend for coffee, they talk about this awesome new workout guide they started. And your crazy ‘go to the gym 7 days a week’ friend can’t stop talking about all the gains she’s making from lifting weights.

Whew! Everyone is doing something different and you’re probably thinking “What’s going to work best for me?”

Getting healthy and fit can be very overwhelming. The best thing you can do, is try a little bit of everything and pick which one you enjoy the most. Along your journey, what you enjoy will probably change as you discover you want to challenge yourself in new ways.

If you’re just starting your fitness journey or have hit a plateau, a great place to start is with resistance bands. You can increase your strength, mobility, stability, flexibility, and cardiovascular and muscular endurance with them! Doing exercises with resistance bands is a great intro to doing movements in a safe manner before jumping into weights. If you already lift weights, using bands will challenge your muscles differently.

I love circuit training and adding exercises with resistance bands at the end of my lifting sessions to exhaust my muscles to failure and really feel the burn. While any circuit can be done with just your body-weight, I like to add a challenge with some resistance I want to share a full body workout that will leave your limbs feeling like noodles and make you feel like you’re standing in a puddle of sweat.



  • There are 3 circuits of 3 exercises
  • Do 12 – 15 reps of each exercise of Circuit #1 (Repeat 3x)
  • NO REST between each set of that circuit
  • Once you complete Circuit #1, rest for 30 seconds
  • Move on to Circuit #2 and #3 doing the same thing
Exercise #1Exercise #2Exercise #3
Circuit #1Bicep CurlSide RaiseDonkey Kick
Circuit #2Squat PressTriceps ExtensionStanding Chest Press
Circuit #3Squat Jump / RowBent Over FlyUpright Row




Circuit #1

Bicep Curl
Bicep curl with resistance band Bicep curl workout with resistance band

Place band under your feet and hold one handle in each hand. You can either curl one arm at a time, or both together. Your preference!
Side Raise
Side raise with resistance band Side raise exercise with resistance band

Place band under your feet and hold one handle in each hand. Have a slight bend in your knees and lift each arm outwards to shoulder height (do not go higher)
Donkey Kick
Resistance band donkey kick workout Donkey kick with resistance band

If you’re kicking with your right foot, hold on to the handle with your left hand. Place your right foot in the other handle and secure. Adjust and hold on to any additional slack with your left hand for the appropriate resistance. Keep left hand (and any slack) secure on the ground and kick with your right foot. SQUEEZE the glutes at the top! Switch and repeat with your other leg.


Circuit #2

Squat Press
Squat press with resistance band Resistance band squat press workout

Place band under your feet, hold one handle in each hand, and hold at shoulder height. Squat down (go low!), then press through your heels to come up. As you come up, do a shoulder press by pushing your hands above your head. The come all the way back down to a squat and repeat.
Triceps Extension
Resistance band overhead tricep extension Standing triceps with resistance band

Place band under your feet and give a little more slack to the side you’re doing the extension. Keep left hand at your side and raise right hand above and behind your head. Keep right elbow pointing straight up, then extend arm straight up, and squeeze at the top. Switch and repeat with your other arm.

Read the complete post here and learn how resistance bands can make enormous difference in your workout routine and maximize your strength training results:

Get your Resistance Bands Here SHOP NOW!
Also Available on

Friday, February 24, 2017

Incorporating an Exercise Ball Into Your Routine Is Life-Changing

How exercise balls can change the way you workout

Start using an exercise ball — STAT. Here’s why.
Are you looking to spice up your workout routine and improve your health? Exercise balls are a great place to start. They’re in practically every gym, but working out with an exercise ball is one of the best inexpensive, yet effective alternatives that you can take advantage of right at home.

In 1963, Italian plastics manufacturer, Aquilino Cosani, invented the exercise (“Pezzi”) ball — they’ve drastically increased in popularity over the years. From physical therapy in clinical settings to athletic training in fitness facilities, exercise balls are used in a variety of different ways. They’re used for prenatal support and yoga sessions, and it’s even become popular to use stability balls instead of traditional office chairs.

Read on to check out the benefits of using an exercise ball. Plus, get ready to master our step-by-step instructions for top stability ball exercises!




Exercise balls are popular and trendy among fitness enthusiasts. Here’s why:
Engages more muscles. When pushing off of an exercise ball, instead of a flat surface, more muscles are used to keep the body balanced.
Decreases back pain. A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research concluded that the use of a stability ball could improve posture and might benefit individuals who sit often or are prone to back pain.1
Strengthens the core. The muscles in the core are used to hold your body in an upright position when you simply sit on your exercise ball. Over time, your core muscles will become much stronger. Plus, you can use your stability ball to intensify exercises that are specifically designed to strengthen abdominal muscles.
Increases Circulation. While using your exercise ball, all of the muscles in your body will be working to help keep you stable — this increases blood flow.


An exercise ball can be used in a variety of ways. Here is a full body stability ball workout routine that can be performed with or without weights:


Stability Ball Pushups

  • Start with either hands on the ball and feet on the floor or with your feet on the ball and your hands on the floor
  • Push yourself up by extending your arms and then slowly lower yourself
  • Inhale while lowering your body and exhale while pushing your body up
  • Perform two sets of 10-20 reps


Stability Ball Back Extension

  • Lie face down on your stability ball with your hands behind your head. The ball should be under the center of your mid-section
  • Squeeze your glutes and lift your torso up until your body forms a straight line. Repeat
  • Perform two sets 10-15 reps

Stability Ball Reverse Hyperextension

  • Lie face down on the exercise ball with your legs down and extended
  • Keep your legs extended and slowly raise both legs as you exhale
  • Lower your legs slowly as you inhale
  • Perform two sets of 10-15 reps


Use your DynaPro resistance bands with these workouts!

Rear Deltoid Raise

  • Lie face down on your exercise ball with your back and legs extended
  • Keep your arms bent at the elbow with your fist pointing towards the ground
  • Rotate your arms upward until your forearms are parallel to the floor
  • Inhale as you bring your arms up and exhale when lowering them
  • Perform two sets 10-15 reps

Side Deltoid Raise

  • Place your left side on the exercise ball
  • Use your left arm to hold onto the ball for stability as you extended your legs outward
  • Extend your right arm upward and exhale
  • Slowly lower your arm toward the ground and inhale. Repeat
  • Perform two sets of 10-15 reps



Stability Ball V-Pass

    Stability ball v-pass exercise for a strong core
  • Lie face up on the floor with your arms extended and hold your exercise ball with both hands
  • Extend your legs in the air, place the ball between your feet, and then lower your legs toward the ground
  • Raise your legs and grab the ball with your arms extended. Then lower the ball with your arms. Repeat
  • Perform 15-30 reps

Stability Ball Knee Tuck


    Stability ball knee tuck workout
  • Start in the pushup position with your legs resting on stability ball
  • Inhale, tighten your abs, and bring your knees closer to your chest by pulling your legs forward
  • Exhale and hold for two seconds
  • Extend legs to their original position. Repeat
  • Perform 10-20 reps



 Stability Ball Wall Squats

  • Place the ball between the wall and your lower back
  • Place your feet shoulder width apart
  • Inhale and slowly lower your body toward the floor in a squat position as you continuously push back into the ball. Repeat
  • Perform two sets of 10-15 reps

Lying Hamstring Curl

Lying hamstring curl on exercise ball
  • Lay flat on your back and place your exercise ball under your feet
  • Dig heels into the ball and extend arms into floor for support
  • Inhale and use your feet to roll the ball towards your body slowly and keep your hips as still as possible
  • Exhale and slowly extend legs back to the straight position. Repeat
  • Perform two sets of 10-15 reps

There are so many different ways to incorporate an exercise ball in your lifestyle. Using these techniques will help strengthen your back and core and stabilize your muscles. Plus, exercise balls are easy to store, portable, and affordable. To maintain your exercise ball, just wipe it clean with soap and water and keep an air pump on hand!

Dynapro black exercise ballsGet your Exercise Balls Here  SHOP NOW!
Also Available on

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

MMA Champ Daniel Morales on Jumping Rope and Finding Inspiration

Discover the power of jump rope training with Daniel Morales

Grab your jump rope and prepare to be seriously motivated.

Daniel Morales is a rising star in the MMA world. The Chicago-based fighter is a multi-time amateur champion in kickboxing, Muay Thai, and boxing, and he trains with a DynaPro jump rope. During his rough childhood, a single teacher turned Daniel’s life around with a simple feature in National Geographic magazine. We caught up with him to learn more about that day, his training routine, and where he finds inspiration.

DynaPro Direct: How did you get into fighting? What was your first big win and how did it feel?

Daniel Morales: I feel as though I've been fighting my entire life. Directing my energy towards a destructive path as a young kid led me to learn things the "hard way." However, when I was in the Juvenile Department of Corrections at the age of 17, I met a bible study teacher, Mr. Camp, who was a great mentor. I think we’re all artists in a way and I have always loved to draw and write. Especially while locked in a cell, I always expressed myself with a pencil and a piece of paper.

One day, I asked Mr. Camp to bring a National Geographic magazine so I could draw some pictures from it. I flipped through it and found an article on Mixed Martial Arts in Brazil and saw a picture that sparked an idea that changed my life.

From that moment, I knew what I wanted to do. While in juvenile detention, I told my parents this is what I wanted to do. They supported it as long as it kept me out of trouble.

Only three days after I was released, I received a call to compete in a mixed martial arts exhibition. I said "yes" immediately. From there, doors of opportunities began to open.

DD: Your story is inspirational. Do you have any inspirational quotes that keep your head in the game for fighting?

DM: Yes. These are some of my favorites:

"You are what you do, not what you say you'll do." -C.G. Jung

"Only the self-sufficient stand alone - most people follow the crowd and imitate." -Bruce Lee

"Water cuts through rock, not because of its power but because of its persistence."-James N. Watkins

"If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made of."-Bruce Lee

DD: Aside from your mental game, your fitness game has to be on point too. You train with a DynaPro jump rope. How much time do you spend jumping rope each day?

DM: I jump rope at least 15 minutes a day. Most fighters use a jump rope. It's a great way to switch it up from long distance runs. Jumping rope works most of the muscles in your body – your arms, shoulders, core, and legs are all engaged when jumping rope. I highly recommend it.

DD: You said Muhammad Ali never picked up a weight during conditioning and only picked up a jump rope. Why did he do that?

DM: He practiced this way because he would never be able to bring weights into the ring with him. It helped him condition to his famous quote, "Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee."

DD: What upcoming fights do you have?

DM: Everyone always asks me, "When is your next fight?" (laughs). I respond, "Everyday."

I always get a confused look after that.

I think life gives us daily challenges to grow and push forward. If someone has it easy, they must be comfortable - they must not be growing. As human beings, we’re meant to grow in all levels of life - physical, mental and spiritual. When new challenges present themselves, I don't ask, "Why me?" I say, "Try me."

To actually answer your question, Glory World Series is returning to Chicago Friday, February 24th. It’s the greatest kickboxing organization in the world and the matchmaker always does a great job, so there are never any easy fights. You face the best of the best. You can catch it on UFC Fight Pass at 7pm CT.

Jump RopeGet your Jump Ropes Here SHOP NOW!
Also Available on

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Best Ways To Use Your Power Bands During a Workout

Best power band exercises for a full body tone up
When you walk into your gym, you navigate through the endless cardio equipment, all of the machines, dumbbells and other free weights, and maybe in the corner you’ll see some stretchy bands by the yoga mats you’re not quite sure how to use. Even then, there are too many different sizes, shapes, and colors to figure out what to do with these contraptions.

They’re just big rubber bands, right? How hard can it be? Here’s some good news: They really are as simple to use as they look! You can pretty much use power bands for almost any exercise. Here are some of the best ways you can use your power bands during a workout!


Assisted Pull-Up
Assisted pull-up exercise with power bandAssisted pull-ups with power band
Single Arm Lat Pull-Down
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Banded Push-Ups
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Single Arm Chest Press
Single arm chest press with bandSingle arm chest press with band
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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Tough and portable, power resistance bands can make an enormous difference in your workout routine. 

10 benefits of incorporating power bands into your fitness routine

It’s no wonder why resistance bands are so popular: They’re portable, easy to use, affordable, and you don’t really need to learn a new skill set to use them effectively. Now, DynaPro Direct offers power resistance bands which are designed to take your strength-training sessions to the next level. The bands can be used for squats, push-ups, and various lower and upper body workouts. The bands can also be used in place of, or in conjunction with, weight-lifting equipment — that means you don’t need to depend on a spotter anymore! Phew!

DynaPro Direct power resistance bands are offered in five different levels of color-coded resistance: Red (5-30 lbs.), black (10-60 lbs.), purple (30-80 lbs.), green (50-125 lbs.), and blue (70-170 lbs.).

 Check out 10 reasons why you should start using power resistance bands:
  1. Power resistance bands are easy to use:

    You won’t need to change up your entire workout routine and learn a new method of building muscle if you want to start using the bands. Simply incorporate the bands into the fitness plan you already follow, and you’ll get addicted to the added resistance.
  2. You can ditch your partner — or get one:

    Since the power bands add weighted resistance, you’ll still be able to execute an effective strength-training routine without needing to pump up with bulky weights that require a spotter. Even better? Resistance bands are fun to use with a partner.
  3. The bands are portable:

    There’s nothing like packing resistance bands in your suitcase for an epic vacation. When you’re away on a trip, you want to look and feel your best – and it’s never been easier to do that. You’ll love squeezing in a quick pump session before you hit the beach or get ready for that special party.
  4. Switching it up is a breeze:

    The bands come in all different colors and levels of resistance. Start slow and then switch up your resistance level as soon as you conquer that color band. It’s also best practice to work with different levels of resistance based on which workout moves you’re performing. Here are your options: Red (5-30 lbs.), black (10-60 lbs.), purple (30-80 lbs.), green (50-125 lbs.), and blue (70-170 lbs.).
  5. Your muscles will thank you:

    One of the best things about power resistance bands is they help stabilize different muscle groups. Heavy lifting and intense cardio sessions often lead to muscle imbalance. By incorporating bands, you’ll be doing your body a huge favor. It’s all about the balance, Baby!
  6. The bands are snap-resistant:

    DynaPro Direct bands are made with eco-friendly natural rubber that you can depend on. It’s important to use bands that are made from high quality material, because a break or snap during the middle of your fitness session is the last thing anyone pumping up ever wants.
  7. It’s a fun way to stretch:

    Don’t just use power resistance bands when you’re strength training! Use the bands as you’re stretching, too. You can use a band as a tool to challenge your flexibility and push your limits.
  8. At-home workouts will be more effective:

    It’s so easy to store resistance bands in the living room or the bedroom. Whether you wake up with the bands or use them to wind down after a stressful day, you’ll be thrilled to have them in arm’s reach.
  9. You can use them in the office:

    Resistance bands are the perfect tools to tuck away into your desk drawer. Wrap the band around your legs for a lower body workout as you’re working, or take a break from the computer and stretch out your arms.
  10. You’ll be set for life:

    DynaPro Direct power resistance bands come with a lifetime warranty. If the power resistance bands cease to perform as promised under normal use, you can return them for a full refund.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

5 Killer Keys to Shedding Weight in 2017

5 best tips to lose weight in 2017 and keep it off for good

Sometimes all it takes is a fresh start to get your head in the game and change your life.

Do you feel burnt out and uninspired to keep working toward your fitness goals? You’re not alone! Leave your unhealthy habits and negative mentality in 2016 and turn it around in the new year. Live by these keys to shed weight, feel more energized, and gain a positive mindset in 2017. Plus, read on to learn tips from DynaPro Direct experts!
  1. Amp Up Your Cardio:

    In the new year, you’ll want to get your blood flowing and increase your metabolism. Grab a DynaPro jump rope so you can focus on cardio when you’re not at the gym or in the mood for a long run. Plus, build up your coordination skills and endurance by practicing new tricks and increasing your speed.
  2. Have a Strong Mentality:

    If your mind is on your side, it’s all yours. Take a cue from DynaPro Direct fitness and anti-aging expert, Darnell Cox: "On a good day, when my head is in the right place, I can talk my laziest version of my physical self into hitting the gym hard, and talk my junk food-craving self out of devouring the bag of whatever cookies are in the cupboard. But there are those days, when those are flipped. When my head is not where it needs to be and my body will follow suit."
  3. Balance Your Muscles:

    Instead of bulking up with free weights, incorporate resistance bands into your workout routine to help stabilize and balance your muscles as you build them. Try experimenting with regular resistance bands, mini precision loop bands, or power resistance bands.
  4. Make Your Workout Routine Fun:

    Katie Austin workout package to stay on track in 2017Follow a fun and effective plan, like the Katie Austin Workout Package, to stay on track and add energy to your routine! Austin is a millennial fitness leader who inspires and teaches thousands on social media to strive for and reach healthy goals. Now, there’s a box that brings our DynaPro products and her inspiration right to your doorstep.
  5. Plan Your Meals:

    Prevent caving in and reaching for the stuff that’s not so good for you by planning your meals. Check out these tips from DynaPro Direct nutrition expert, Danielle Pashko: "Planning your food will save you from making bad choices when your blood sugar gets low and you're feeling hungry and impatient. Have your fridge or freezer stocked with some lean protein options like organic chicken, tuna, turkey, and eggs. Then you can always easily pair it with some mixed greens or tomato and cucumber salad. This type of meal only takes five minutes - when you have more time, then it’s easier to get more creative with side dishes or salad stuffings!"
Pro grade fitness equipment to stay fit in the new year